Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Although we don't know our tadpole's sex yet, I saw a debate on a pregnancy forum today that got D & I to talking: to circumcise or not to circumcise?

Pros: "Normal" for American culture/aesthetically pleasing
Reduced risk of HIV transmission
Reduced risk of UTIs
Easier to clean

Cons: Male genital mutilation- I wouldn't cut my little girl's vagina, why would I cut my little boy's penis?
All of the previous "reduced risk" statements can be traced back to proper cleaning & responsible sexual activity
American Academy of Pediatrics no longer endorses it, says there's no medical reason for it
Reduced sexual sensitivity when he's older

Personally, I'm leaning toward,"No," because I just don't see much good reason for cutting on my child.
D is leaning a little toward, "Yes," because he is and then they are the same, leading to a perception of himself as 'normal' due to matching his first model of an adult male body.

Your thoughts?

1 comment:

  1. I did a good bit of research on this topic several years ago, with a friend who was expecting a little boy. My conclusion was that it was not something I would do if I ever found myself in the position to make that call.

    You're right in that there really is no medically justified reason for it. If problems crop up later, the surgery can be done at need. Obviously it can be a painful procedure, but a fairly simple one.

    D brings up some valid concerns, and I understand why that would be a potential issue. However, I feel like the child will much more readily see the similarities between his body and his father's. When he's old enough to call attention to that one difference, I don't think the conversation would be a difficult one. It would simply be an opportunity to discuss that everyone's body is a bit different; just like we don't all have the same nose, we don't all have the same penis. (And I'd love the chance to see you try and make that argument with a straight face.)

    I haven't searched out statistics, but from what I've heard from other friends with children, circumcision seems far less common now than it was. He'd certainly have friends at a young age who would be uncircumcised, and therefore wouldn't feel "abnormal" or odd.

    It is a difficult call, and you both have good points. I hope the discussions go well. *hugs*
