Thursday, September 1, 2011

My Pregnancy/Newborn Wish List- and I ain't talkin' 'bout

I realize lots of first-time moms feel like they absolutely need to do everything themselves.
I only learned pretty recently how to ask for help in non-baby-related stuff. Fortunately, for whatever reason, I haven't felt in the least shy about saying, "I don't know what in the HELL I'm doing and I need help!!" with pregnancy, and I'm not planning on that changing any time soon.
All of the good baby books make great suggestions regarding this, and it all boils down to one thing:
Everyone is going to ask how they can help- let them.

So, in that spirit, here's my newborn wish list:
  • People to stay with us for whatever time their schedule allows who can help us take care of the house & baby (I plan on breastfeeding, which means every 2 hours I'm going to be stuck in one place for who-knows-how-long and constantly sleep-deprived, which is going to make things like laundry, dishes, cooking, and walking the dog nearly impossible)
  • People willing to once a week or every other week, make a grocery run for us (this doesn't have to be out of your own pocket, although that would, of course, be an amazing gift)
  • Magazine subscriptions and/or books off my wishlist, because I hate TV and there will only be so long I can spend gazing adoringly at the baby as s/he nurses.
  • A subscription to a prepared meal service (Google for the cheapest one in the Atlanta area- there are a ton)
  • A subscription for 2-3mos to a laundry service
  • Other parents interested in babysitting swaps, maternity clothing pass-ons, family social gatherings (most of our current social life isn't baby-friendly)
  • A second 'baby shower' near our due date for freezable meals like casseroles, soups, etc.
  • People willing to get me the hell out of the house and away from the baby every once in a while (once the initial baby-NRE wears off)
Moms, dads, parents- what did you wish you had?

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